"Bleib dran!" - "Stay tuned"

- Avoidance of dropouts - The stabilization of training conditions.
Target Groups
Apprentices and trainees.
Type of degree
Stakeholders Involved
Zentrum für Arbeit und Politik der Universität Bremen
Universität Bremen
All those who have concluded a successful course of vocational training, wish a training contract. Nevertheless, training is not always smooth. Not everyone will find the change easy, some things may be different than expected. The job do not correspond to the ideas, there can be interpersonal conflicts in the company, not everything goes according to plan in the school, it can come private, financial or family problems ... If these difficulties are not solved, it often leads to unreflective training discontinuations. The employees of "Stay tuned!" Apprentices and trainers in Bremen and Bremerhaven offer support in the positive management of training conflicts. The goals are the avoidance of dropouts and the stabilization of training conditions. Training - "Stay tuned!" offers advice on all conflicts and problems that hinder successful vocational training. These can be problems at work, at school or at home. In the consultation, conflicts are clarified together with the advice seekers and solutions are worked out. The offer is available to apprentices and trainees alike. The advice of training - "Stay tuned!" is free, neutral and confidential. The project is funded by the Bremen Chamber of Labor and the Senator for Children and Education.
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